Private Lessons and Surf Coaching

If you’re the short of person who likes taking short cuts then this is for you.

It’s hard enough learning (in surfing it’s more a case of discovering) the theory and then practicing it. Why not let us tell you the theory so that all you have to do now is practice. It’s so much quicker. Theory backed with explanations and demonstrations alows you to assimiliate the info every which way you need so that once nicely settled in your head all that you have to do now is programme your body to do it, beach practice helps at this point. Now into the waves and try it out on the water, remeber timing is the essence.


1 person 100Euros

2 person 70Euros (each)

3 person 80Euros (each)

4 person 55Euros (each)

5 person 50Euros (each)

6 person 45Euros (each)

During the high season, in July and August the private lesson in general are from 8am to 10am in the morning.



During the summer season (July and August) the surf lessons are very demanded and we are proposing 8 persons group lessons only, from 10 am to 20 pm

If you want to booked a lesson just for you and your group or family in July or August, at anytime it’s possible. You can reserve the all lesson just for you for 240 euros.

Choose with us the time you prefer, booked the all lesson just for you, and enjoy.

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